Santa Monica Location
2716 Ocean Park Blvd Suite 2007
​Santa Monica, CA 90405
Torrance Location
3248 Sepulveda Blvd
​Torrance, CA 90505
​Dr. Maeda 424-234-3331
Dr. Ghajar 310-421-8595
Educational Seminars and Classes
Golden Ratio Acupuncture Clinic provides various seminars and classes for students of acupuncture, licensed acupuncturists or other medical providers who practice acupuncture to dive deeper into the art of acupuncture medicine.
C​elestial Acupuncture & Ashtanga Yoga Certification Seminar Retreat in Bali, Indonesia
​June 17th - 23rd, 2024
This 7 days intensive acupuncture/yoga retreat will take you to the journey diving deep into self, understanding 8 limbs of yoga, chakra system, prana/energy system, nadis/marma point system, and acquire knowledge, skills and methods to work and develop yourself in order to be able to support the others, and how to use acupuncture to heal others by heighten one’s vibration, realigning all level of dan tians, major meridians, regulate and eliminate energetic/emotional blockage to open/activate chakra system using the combination of acupuncture points and marma points, cleanse nadis to help one advance in their soul journey.
Situated in the navel of the earth, island of Bali, this program is designed to greatly enrich and polish the senses while developing and refining the healer’s skills and technique of reading the non-physical body and working with subtle energy. You will learn a broad spectrum of healing approaches and come away with skills you can readily apply in your practice and achieve lasting clinical results. The learning format consists of lecture, observation and practical experience with teacher feedback. Expect to learn a lot and greatly broaden your perspective while laying a solid foundation for your future as a healer.

Essence of Japanese Acupuncture Seminar in Athens, Greece
This introductory seminar is presented over a 2 day, 14-hour period. The history and background of Japanese Acupuncture is discussed to better understand how acupuncture from China was influenced and refined by the Japanese and their culture.
Participants learn gentle and painless basic Japanese style needling & manipulation techniques using the guide tube system as invented by Dr. Waichi Sugiyama, utilization of palpation to aid in diagnosis and confirmation of treatment effectiveness. Instruction includes plenty of demonstration and hands-on practice.
At the end, participants gain confidence and a clear understanding of how to needle in Japanese style acupuncture and use palpation to deliver the ultimate TLC of acupuncture treatment to their patients.

Japanese style acupuncture has long been revered for its gentle needling,
precise approach and highly effective clinical results. Whether you are a
seasoned practitioner or new to the field of acupuncture, this program will
provide you the opportunity to fully immerse in this very refined system
of acupuncture which is rapidly gaining popularity in the world as patients
and clinicians alike awaken to the allure of this subtle yet very potent
method of healing.
Situated in the renowned historic spiritual city of Kyoto steeped in temples
and inordinate charm, this program is designed to greatly enrich and polish
the senses while developing and refining the acupuncturist’s skills and
technique of reading the body and working with subtle energy. You will learn
a broad spectrum of healing approaches and come away with skills you can readily apply in your practice and achieve lasting clinical results. The learning format consists of lecture, observation and practical experience with teacher feedback. Expect to learn a lot and greatly broaden your perspective while
laying a solid foundation for your future as a clinician.

Tei Shin Japanese Non-Insertive Acupuncture Seminar TBA
Tei Shin Acupuncture uses non-invasive acupuncture tool called "Tei Shin" and has been practicing in Japan for centuries. This is a two days intensive seminar that covers its history and background, theories and techniques. Participants will learn how to incorporate with regular filiform needling acupuncture to be able to provide better treatment for patients. 14 CEU/PDA Pending.

Japanese Acupuncture Certification Program TBA
A year long program of Japanese Acupuncture meets once every month for two days over the weekend. This program will cover history and background, guide tube needling techniques, palpatory examination including abdominal, meridian and acupuncture point palpation, pulse diagnosis and various needling techniques. Upon completion, participants will be confident to practice Japanese style of acupuncture. Certification will be iss